I've decided that trying to write a post when your heart is as full as mine is near impossible! I have so much to share with you all! A few weeks ago i had one of those encounters with God that is so tangible and real you feel like He is sitting next to you. One of those moments where all you can say is "whoa.." He completely rocked my world and gave me clarity on some things where there was total darkness. I can't even begin to describe the experience but all I can say is that i feel like a new person! The Lord showed me that i wasn't living a purpose driven life- that i wasn't living for the Kingdom but for myself, right here right now. I wasn't loving others the way Christ loves and i wasn't taking advantage of what the Lord was doing in me. I hadn't fully surrendered things to God and still had a tight grip on things i wasn't willing to give up for Him. In this moment with God, i gave it up to Him. 100%- every want, every desire, eve...