
 I've decided that trying to write a post when your heart is as full as mine is near impossible! I have so much to share with you all! 

A few weeks ago i had one of those encounters with God that is so tangible and real you feel like He is sitting next to you. One of those moments where all you can say is "whoa.." He completely rocked my world and gave me clarity on some things where there was total darkness. I can't even begin to describe the experience but all I can say is that i feel like a new person! The Lord showed me that i wasn't living a purpose driven life- that i wasn't living for the Kingdom but for myself, right here right now. I wasn't loving others the way Christ loves and i wasn't taking advantage of what the Lord was doing in me. I hadn't fully surrendered things to God and still had a tight grip on things i wasn't willing to give up for Him. In this moment with God, i gave it up to Him. 100%- every want, every desire, every dream. It was His. and you know what? I have never felt as free as i do now. He has blessed me so much in the past few weeks that at times I'm speechless. I have the JOY of the Lord guiding me each day and finding all my strength in Him when things get tough. Each morning I am excited to dive into the Word and hear from the Him. I am learning what it really means to "love" Jesus. To have a passionate relationship with Him. All i want to do is share with people, love on people, and pray for people. My heart has softened in areas that i thought there was no hope and my perspective on life has done a 180. This change that the Lord has brought about in me has directly changed my marriage. For the better! We have never been so in-sync, so together and so excited about life. Both our hearts are turned completely to our Great and Mighty God and we know that together, with Christ, we have the chance to do something great! Wes and I went on a little road trip after this encounter with God and talked the entire time about our values as a couple, who we want to be, and in the future how we want to raise our family. It was the most beautiful conversation and it brought us both to tears. Since then, we've been trying to connect with people who we don't know very well and have deeper relationships with the people close to us. We've also taken prayer seriously. If you really care about someone the best thing you can do for them is pray. Sure, we can go get a coffee and talk about life with that person, or think about that person often, but if we aren't praying for them what eternal good are we doing for them? Prayer is powerful and sometimes it's the only way we can help others. 
 We've also been asking ourselves "why do we believe what we believe," or "why do we have these values?" A lot of times the things we believe are because that is how we grew up- that's what our parents taught us. We've started exploring the reasons and finding scripture to back it up. We don't want to do things "just because."  For example: 
Going to church consistently? Why? Well, here is a verse that i stumbled upon that blew Wes and I away. We knew there was a reason it was important but here is what the Lord says on it: 

" If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord's holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and doing doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob." The mouth of the Lord has spoken. 
Isaiah 58:13-14 

Wes and I are so thankful for parents who on purposely raised us with these values. Now we get to study scripture and discover the reasons behind them, as well as creating our own values for our family! 

We are praising the Lord for this season in life! He is building the foundation for our marriage and strengthening us as individuals and as a couple. We pray that we don't get comfortable in life, and that He will continue to grow us, challenge us, and use us in the best way He sees fit! 

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 


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