Let's try this again!

Hey, remember me? I used to write about what it was like to live in Mexico, i talked about how awesome our God is and was even promising to share some of my favorite recipes.... well i failed! I got caught up in life and my poor blog got pushed to the side-- but i am BACK! I've been encouraged by some people close to me to start writing and sharing again and as i read back through my older posts and comments i got motivated to continue encouraging others through this blog and to be completely open and vulnerable. I like being transparent with people-- i'm not trying to pretend i've got it all together; because really? who actually has it "all" together?

So here i am, sitting on my couch watching the stormy weather and i don't even know where to begin! So much as happened since i've written and i don't know that i need to recap everything. Here are a few of the major things:

My dear friend Sonia moved away, as well as our dear friends Westley and Estella and also Wes's brother and his wife.

My great Grandma passed away at 94 years old. She was a huge encouragement in my life and someone who i always looked up to and had a high respect for.

Wes and I celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary.

I got a job working for Baja Babysitting

I got Baptized on Easter!

I rescued a very sick kitty who now lives with us

Wes's business has grown tremendously

Multiple trips to the doctor to try and figure out my health issues

We went on a family camping trip in CA

Got appendicitis and had an emergency surgery, during our trip to CA.  Which has cleared up most of my health issues-- Praise the Lord!

My best friend got married!

There is SO much more but these were a few of the big things. i've traveled to CA a few times in between there to visit family and attend weddings but we are home from a crazy summer and are excited to settle down a bit, work on our apartment and get back into a rhythm. It's summer time so both of our jobs are slow due to the lack of tourists which is because of heat/humidity so we're taking this time to do little projects and get refocused. I ordered a bunch of books so i will beat the heat with reading and the AC on high, as well as BLOGGING more =]

I look forward to sharing more of what the Lord has been doing in our lives SOON!

                                                                           Shark Fishing!
                                          Saying goodbye to my dear friend Sonia
                                                               Anniversary Dinner
                                               The newest member of the family
                                                         My cousins visited!

                                             Appendectomy in Fort Bragg, CA

                                                            Overnight stay on the East Cape


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