How it all Started

My story begins in Hawaii.  Two years ago i was heading to my first semester of Bible College with the intent to set aside a year to focus on my relationship with the Lord, make new friends, and soak up some sun. All those things happened. But i got an added bonus: A Husband! I met the man of my dreams only a month into the semester and we started dating a few weeks later. I never understood the saying " when you know you've met the one, you just know." Well that changed when i met Wes. He was 6'7 with long blonde hair, loved the Lord with his whole heart, and played guitar better than anyone i had ever met. From the moment i met him my life changed in radical ways. He helped bring me closer to God, explained things with a fresh and new perspective, and taught me how to live life day by day and how to enjoy each moment. He wrote me love letters, surprised me with coffee, picked me flowers, and best of all, prayed for me. I had never met a man like him. and never knew a man like him existed. 
....and he grew up in Mexico.  His parents were missionaries in Cabo so Wes had been down there his whole life. He was fluent in Spanish, new everyone in town and had his own surf fishing business. Mexico was his home. 
My first visit to Cabo was a complete culture shock. It was like no place i had ever been before. There are beaches and palm trees but there is also poverty, trash, tar paper shacks,and  stray animals running free in the streets. The tourists only see the pretty part of Cabo, but i got to see what real life was like for the Mexican people. It broke my heart to see people struggling like they were. But that was life for them- they didn't know any different. They worked hard and cherished their families and were content with what they did have. I came home from that visit with a whole new perspective and appreciation for my home and where i came from. 

A few months later Wes proposed to me at a lake near my parents house. We set the date for February, only 8 months away! We had to do long distance, and travel back and forth for visits but on one of my visits i stayed for almost two months. I felt like i needed to "test it out" to see what it would be like to live in Mexico. We had fun going to beaches, movies, and out to dinner  but there was a very real side to it. In just a few short months i would be moving to a place where i didn't know the language or the culture. All the comforts of home would be gone and i would have to lean completely on the Lord and my husband. I had never had to trust God like i did now. 
The wedding quickly approached and i had my fears about the move. I never once doubted marrying Wes but i wasn't sure if i had what it takes to move to a new country. 
March 1st. we moved. All of our belongings and wedding gifts fit into 5 suitcases and there we were. Sitting in our little studio apartment.  
It's been 5 months now and believe me. It hasn't always been easy! Honestly, it's been the hardest thing trying to find my place here in Mexico and finding my purpose. But I know the Lord is faithful and has me here for a reason and i am determined to live each day for HIS glory and not my own. I am out of my comfort zone and am learning so much. I recently started Spanish classes and we started a Young Adult group in our home. Little by Little we are creating our life together and discovering who we are as well as learning new things about each other! 

Join our adventure with each new post! 


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