The Rains came down the the Floods came up... literally

My whole life i have loved rain. I loved sitting inside watching it roll down the windows, getting bundled up and going out in it, or puddle jumping when i was little. Nothing beats wrapping yourself up in a blanket, getting a big, hot steaming cup of hot chocolate and listening to the pitter patter on the roof. It was always comforting and enjoyable. 

Well rain in Cabo is a little different. It's not the enjoyable, comforting experience i once enjoyed. 
This morning i woke up with a start at 4AM to crashing thunder, lightening dancing across the sky and rain coming down in sheets and our palm trees bending and swaying. Now this wasn't just any thunder. During one loud crash that i was not expecting, i literally jumped a foot out of bed which thoroughly amused my husband but scared me half to death. After the storm died down a little we were able to enjoy a few more hours of restful sleep and then it began again. This time we had a river running past our balcony that was more than two feet deep. We grabbed hats and our umbrella and went outside to see if everything was alright. We found that tree branches were covering one our cars, there was a steady stream of water running into pool and the front apartments were being flooded. We spent the next hour helping get things cleaned up and then headed out with Wes's brother Casey and his wife to explore town and the beaches. Here are a few pictures of what we found! 





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